Concept Three: As a traditional means of creating and maintaining a clearly defined working relation between the Groups, the Conference, the World Service Board of Trustees and its service corporation, staffs, and committees, and of thus insuring their effective leadership, it is here suggested that we endow each of these elements of World Service with a traditional “Right of Decision”.
Suggested Readings:
CA NewsGram, April-May, 1988, Vol. I No. 5 “3rd Concept: trust and The Right of Decision”
This concept boils down to trust—as in “trusted servant,” and the responsibility the name implies. Not just trust, but mutual trust. For our service structure to function, our C.A. fellowship must have trust in our trusted servants. A trusted servant must be informed, aware of their group’s needs and conscience at the time that they hear all the facts. We cannot demand any of trusted servants carry only one message, one opinion, one conscience; and vote or act that way regardless of what is being shared and revealed at a service meeting. We have to trust that our trusted servant will vote or act within the best interest of those they are serving. The “Right of Decision” is essential for C.A. to function on any level, but especially on a world level. We show our trust in all levels of service. We trust our secretary and treasurer at our meetings. We trust our GSR’s at our area level. We trust our world service delegates at conference level—and we trust our trustees at our world service level. The “Right of Decision,” is not, and cannot ever be, a reason for not taking a group conscience before a major action or decision is made. But our whole fellowship is based on trust and faith. Our service structure, in order to grow with enthusiasm also needs trust and faith, which we show through the “Right of Decision.”
Clarifying Questions and Answers:
Q: What is meant by the “Right of Decision”? A: For our service structure to function, our C.A. fellowship must have trust in our trusted servants. A trusted servant must be informed, aware of their group’s needs and conscience at the time that they hear all the facts. We cannot demand any of trusted servants carry only one message, one opinion, one conscience; and vote or act that way regardless of what is being shared and revealed at a service meeting.
Q: Is it granted at all levels of service: in my home group, my district, and my area? A: We show our trust in all levels of service.
Q: Do we trust our trusted servants: G.S.R., D.S.R., Area Delegate, the Conference itself? A: We have to trust that our trusted servant will vote or act within the best interest of those they are serving.
Discussion Questions:
- What is meant by the “Right of Decision”? Is it granted at all levels of service: in my home group, my district, and my area?
- Does our delegate know our area’s conscience on matters of importance to us?
- Why does our group need a group conscience when our area has the “Right of Decision”?
- Do I trust our trusted servants—G.S.R., Area Delegate, the Conference itself?