Download the PDF Slide Show: CA-Speaker-Coaching-Presentation Listen to the audio presentation of the slide show. 12-step-speaker-workshop-2024-07-14.mp3 Learning Objectives List 10 strategies for overcoming the fear of public speaking. List 5 ways to conduct yourself when speaking virtually or in-person. Identify 3 major benefits of speaking to a 12 Step meeting or event. List 3 key elements for a…
Category: Service Learning Modules
C.A. Service Sponsorship Learning Themes:
Facilitating Unity and Curtailing Divisiveness
Readings: Tradition Ten: No opinion on outside issues Concept Ten: Service Responsibility and Authority Curriculum: A suggested format for resolving conflicts within the Group
Basics of C.A. Service Sponsorship
Tradition Nine: Creating Service Boards or Committees Concept Nine: Good Leadership Curriculum: Basics of C.A. Service Sponsorship
Pass It On” Documents: Empowering Trusted Servants TO Ensure Continuous Service
Readings: Tradition Eight: We’re Non-Professional Concept Eight: Capacity of the Trustees of the World Service Board Curriculum: “Pass It On” Documents Examples of C.A. Pass-It-On Documents
Growing Your Virtual Meeting
Growing Your Virtual Meeting While our literature has preserved the integrity of the A.A. message, sweeping changes in society as a whole are reflected in new customs and practices within the Fellowship. Taking advantage of technological advances, for example, A.A. members with computers can participate in meetings online, sharing with fellow alcoholics across the country…
RECRUIT, EDUCATE & ACTIVATE Your C.A. Trusted Servants
Curriculum: Tradition Four: What does it mean C.A. Groups are autonomous? Concept Four: The Right of Participation Being of Service The Basics of Service Sponsorship “Pass It On” Documents
So You’re the Group’s GSR – Now What?
Curriculum: Tradition Three: Who can be a member of C.A.? Concept Three: The Right of Decision C.A. Service Structure Being a GSR Resolving Group Conflict’s
Yes, You Can Start a C.A. Meeting
Readings: Tradition Eleven: Public Relations & Personal Anonymity Concept Eleven: Best Possible Members OPEN DISCUSSION TOPIC OBJECTIVES: Minimum requirements for starting a C.A. Meeting (Virtual or Live) Different Meeting Formats Group Service Positions CA Service Sponsorship Group Service Positions 7th Traditions Building Your Meeting (Attraction rather than Promotion)
Being of Service – Service Sponsorship
Discussion Readings: Tradition Nine… Creating Service Boards or Committees Concept Nine: Good Leadership Being of Service Service Sponsorship
Our Common Welfare: A Discussion of C.A. Traditions & COVID-19
Meet & Greet Your Southern Ontario World Service Delegates and North Atlantic Regional Trustees (Meeting was in two parts: Sunday, July 5th and Sunday, August 2nd) Reading: Tradition Seven Reading: Concept Seven Reading: Tradition Eight Reading: Concept Eight Discussion with GSRs, Group & Area Trusted Servants: In lieu of our COVID-19 times, conducting Twelve Step…
YES, YOU CAN START A VIRTUAL C.A. GROUP (Meetings without Borders)
Suggested Readings C.A. Service Structure Chart What Constitutes A C.A. Group Yes, You Can Start a Virtual C.A. Meeting Meeting Formats “Zoom” Settings Room Management & Room Etiquette Virtual Group Trusted Servants GSR Secretary Treasurer Host & Co-Hosts Screen Sharer Room Monitor Web Servant The C.A. Group Website Online 7th Tradition – What can a…
Suggested Readings The Importance of Parliamentary Procedures Robert’s Rules of Order Robert’s Rules of Order Dramatization: Mock Motion Exercise
Suggested Readings The Twelve Concepts of Cocaine Anonymous Role of the Area Delegate/s
Suggested Readings Case Studies Application of The Twelve Traditions of Cocaine Anonymous Traditions Group Inventory
Suggested Readings: C.A. Trusted Service The Importance of Service What is Service Sponsorship? C.A. Service Structure Chart What Constitutes A C.A. Group Yes, You Can Start a C.A. Meeting Group Trusted Servants