Growing Your Virtual Meeting
While our literature has preserved the integrity of the A.A. message, sweeping changes in society as a whole are reflected in new customs and practices within the Fellowship. Taking advantage of technological advances, for example, A.A. members with computers can participate in meetings online, sharing with fellow alcoholics across the country or around the world. In any meeting, anywhere, A.A.’s share experience, strength, and hope with each other, in order to stay sober and help other alcoholics. Modem-to-modem or face-to-face, A.A.’s speak the language of the heart in all its power and simplicity. (A.A. 4th ed. p. xxiv)
Sunday, May 2nd, 2021 — 10:30 am (EST) 3:30 pm (GMT)
Tradition Five: Primary Purpose
Concept Five: The Right of Appeal
- Growing your C.A. fellowship utilizing your C.A. Area/District Website
- Facilitating Group Membership and Involvement with a C.A. Group Website
- Facilitating Registrations, Memberships and 7th Donations
- Forms
- Building an online database
- Autoresponders
- Virtual Meeting Details
- Thank you’s for 7th Donations
- Facilitating Registrations, Memberships and 7th Donations
- PULL Strategies
- SEO – Keywords and phrases
- On page phrases:
- 12 Step Recovery from Cocaine and all other mind altering substances.
- repost C.A. pamphlet content “…and all other mind altering substances
- On page phrases:
- SEO – Linking Strategies
- World – Area – District – Groups
- Word-of-Mouth
- C.A. Meeting Announcements
- Post Announcements in various Area/District Private FB Group Pages
- SEO – Keywords and phrases
- PUSH Strategies